2023.04.04 08:45

flora 조회 수:1417


We are located in the beautiful Mission Valley neighborhood, which is known as a very inclusive neighborhood. Mission Valley is close to many shopping malls and the San Diego Trolley System. Mission Valley is a very walkable neighborhood full of trendy shops and locally owned restaurants.

We’ve always believed in hiring welltrained and experienced instructors to help students reach their English language goals.

  • We are approved to operate by the Bureau of Private Post Secondary Education (approval to operate means compliance with state standards as set forth by the Ed. Code).
  • We are authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. We issue I-20’s so that you can apply for a F-1 Student Visa.
  • We offer free visa advice but do not provide legal counsel.

Explore our marvelous 


A relaxing walk on the beach? Some world level surfing spots? Sandcastle building competitions? We have it all here, and you can easily enjoy it all while checking the stunning scenery the Pacific has built up for us all along our coastline.

INX Mission Valley

We are located in the beautiful Mission Valley neighborhood, which is known as a very inclusive neighborhood. Mission Valley is close to many shopping malls and the San Diego Trolley System. Mission Valley is a very walkable neighborhood full of trendy shops and locally owned restaurants.

Camino Del Rio South, Suite 150, San Diego, CA 92108, United States 

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