TOEFL Preparation program

by flora posted Apr 04, 2023


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What is the TOEFL Preparation Program?

TOEFL Preparation program is specially designed to meet the basic needs of students in preparation for taking the actual TOEFL iBT exam as a requirement for entrance an institution of higher education.

Specifically, the course provides students with test taking strategies and a thorough understanding and application of language skills namely reading, writing, speaking and listening to TOEFL iBT exam.

Supplementary activities include lectures on grammar, sentence structure and construction, academic vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, pronunciation and intonation, as well as lessons on paraphrasing and summarizing. Through said supplements, all courses will get students to explore various ways of enhancing their overall English skills necessary for taking the actual TOEFL iBT exam.

Students will be given instructions, practice and advice on strategies for optimum performance on the TOEFL iBT. At this level, students will be given the overview of the test, information on the test course, and introduction to the on screen appearance of the TOEFL iBT along with general test taking suggestions.

Teachers will also provide in depth discussions of the kinds of questions that appear in each part of the TOEFL iBT and explanation of correct answers that are being asked in each section. At this level, students will be given TOEFL iBT practice tests to estimate of how they would perform on the actual exam and familiarize the learners of the appearance, length and format of the TOEFL iBT.

TOEFL preparation presents question and answers about the TOEFL iBT exam and discusses what it is like to take a standardized test.


18 Hours per Week


Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays


8:30am to 2:30pm